About Us

Analyse & find the perfect solution for your business.


Providing leading business solutions

We offer comprehensive, cost-effective services in the areas of food hygiene, allergy management, and health and safety. We’ll collaborate closely with you to find the most effective strategies for your company’s needs.

Our competent team is an ideal choice for small and medium-sized firms that lack the in-house expertise necessary to comply with food, health, and safety regulations.

Years Of Experience


Audits & Inspections

Why choose us

Get Your Best Business Solution with Innosafe

We recognise that the realm of compliance may frequently seem complex and perplexing, and that’s where we come in. We are always available to offer guidance or additional resources to our customers. We offer a range of customized, cost-effective services to help businesses in the hospitality and manufacturing sectors stay compliant with food, health & safety standards. With over 20 years in the industry, we take pride in providing each and every one of our clients with a bespoke, high-quality service that meets their specific needs and ensures the highest possible standards for their staff and consumers.


Our Philosophy

Keeping up with the ever-evolving economic and international regulations requires a well-rounded team that is competent in both domestic and international standards.

  • Competent staff – Rest assured that our knowledgeable staff and cutting-edge technological business solutions will have you meet all national and international regulations in no time.
  • Keeping Up-to-date – We keep you informed of current developments in the field of food safety, allowing you to keep yourself and your organisation aware of ever-changing local and international standards.
Our Mission

Our client’s ever-evolving needs drive us to provide them with the best possible service. Our mission is to address our customers’ Food, health & safety issues. To do this, Innosafe

  • Uses innovative and more effective solutions to meet their demands.
  • Reviewing the readiness and compliance status by performing audits and GAP assessmentS.
  • Offer knowledge and expertise via bespoke training.
  • Offer advice, mentoring, and expertise via consulting.
Our Vision

We believe that food, health & safety are a shared responsibility and work closely with our clients to create a safety culture within their organization.

  • Create a safer and healthier work environment for all employees by providing expert advice, guidance, and support.
  • Provide customized, practical, and cost-effective solutions to meet the unique needs of each organization.
  • Create a food safety landscape where everyone can trust the food they eat and where food businesses can operate with confidence.
  • Our passion for safety, combined with our expertise and commitment to excellence, makes us one of the best in the industry.

We're Here To Help!

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2, Fusion 140, Station Road
Redhill, Surrey, UK


M-F: 8 am – 5 pm
S-S: Closed

Call Us

(44) 7387 725 429